
clearly i'm not a real blogger

just like every other self-proclaimed internet nerd who has a personal blog, i haven't updated mine in awhile. probably because like every other self-proclaimed internet nerd who has a personal blog, i made the rediscovery that real life is actually more interesting than not only blogging, but reading other blogs.

regardless...i've drawn inspiration from somewhere to post. and here's what i have to offer:

found myself in Cuba last month working with kids in a town on the eastern end of the country.

(click here to see more)

spent an quick afternoon in havana before flying home.

(click here to see more)

my roommates rich and mindy finished recording a new album and played a show at o'brothers earlier this month.

(click here for more)

on my days off from work (which are becoming more and more frequent) i've been walking around riverside with my camera.

(click here for more)
(and more)

that's my life. and that's my update. don't worry, i'm sure i won't post again for another couple of months. real life turned out to be pretty amazing.


i'm not a cat guy, but....

the weather's been crappy, i had the day off and felt like distracting myself with my camera and Tom was the only one in the house with me...so i broke down and started taking photos of the cat. i hate to admit it...but clearly not enough to keep me from posting. so here's Tom in all his lazy glory.


shangrala at the brian hicks benefit show at eclipse last night

found myself at eclipse last night for the stop brian cancer II show. shangrala were top notch as always, this time with the added bonus of beautiful mustaches. grabbed some shots (that are ridiculously more fuzzy than i was hoping for) during the show.

i have never wanted nicer camera equipment more. regardless....enjoy.

and some faces in the crowd...


john carver band cd release show at freebird

last night the john carver band played at freebird to promote their new album. if you weren't there, you should have been. buuuuuuuuut, i guess i'll share the photos with you anyway.


on the way to five star pizza...

anyone know what that poster's all about? they're all over riverside.

rich and the studio


what happens when i find inspiration

rich and mindy were recording tonight and it made me want to get off my ass and do some photography. i dug out my old tripod and decided to just goof off on the couch. so, here's what it looks like when i'm feeling inspired...


murray hill photo excursion

felt the photography bug kick in on my day off and decided to drive around murray hill to see what i could find. here's what i came up with...


the new digs

while the economy is a real downer these days, at least there's a silver lining for everyone. and by everyone, i mean me. because i have no job, which means i have no cash to pay my landlord, i had to move out of my apartment. how is that a good thing? because my friends rich and mindy offered to let me stay with them for awhile. how is that a good thing? because their house is full of love, and it's good to be part of a family on a day to day basis. (don't hold me to that...i'm only 2 days in...)

so, i thought i'd go ahead and give you a quick tour of my new murray hill home, which you're more than welcome to come visit.

dinner table/computer table/table dancing table?

view from the tv

the art room, complete with crayons and fingerpaint

the kitchen...guess it's time i learn to cook

the music studio. oh yeah...did i mention my new house has a full on recording studio? because it does.

and finally...my bedroom. shutup, rent's free.